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RELEASE: End Your Summer Smiling With Another 50/50 Draw!


Online 50/50 Launches Sunday, August 1st at 9 a.m.

(July 30, 2021 - PORT COLBORNE) Another lucky winner will take home big winnings at the end of the 2021 summer thanks to Port Cares fourth 50/50 draw to raise needed funds for the local food bank and Reach Out Centre. Port Cares is launching their fourth online 50/50 draw on Sunday, August 1 at 9am with a guaranteed take-home prize is $10,000 and an awesome big screen television for the Early Bird draw.

“Our Start Your Summer Smiling 50/50 brought in $85,320 with a prize of $42,660 going to a local winner from the city of Welland. While there can only be one winner, everybody had a whole lot of fun participating and more local families and individuals struggling with poverty than ever before were assisted,” says Port Cares Executive Director, Christine Clark Lafleur. “After the last draw our supporters asked us to do it again.”

Since launching the first draw a year ago as a result of the pandemic and the cancellation of all traditional fundraising events for Covid safety, the Port Cares 50/50 has been a major source of funds to keep the charitable service open. Since the March 2020, Port Cares Reach Out Centre has seen registration for their hot meal program grow to more than 700 individuals and registrants to use the food bank increase to more than 1,700. “We have more seniors accessing services now than ever before largely because they cannot make ends meet with the high cost of rent. Similarly, more young working families who are struggling to get by are using the food bank. The demand for assistance is growing, while the opportunities for fundraising have been significantly reduced. Our Port Cares 50/50 has been a life-line enabling us to help so many in need.”

Although the local support has been fantastic, the online raffle is not just intended for those living in Port Colborne; anyone 18 and over can buy tickets across Ontario.  The winner will be drawn on Friday, September 3 – just in time to wrap up summer and really enjoy the Labour Day weekend.


Tickets are 5 for $10, 20 for $20 or 100 for $40. Anyone 18+ in Ontario can purchase tickets online at www.portcares5050.ca. They can also be purchased in-person at Port Cares’ main office – 92 Charlotte Street in Port Colborne, Monday to Friday from 8:30am – 4:30pm. There is a covid-safe vestibule at the main entrance and people can use cash or card to purchase.

Port Cares 5050

Support Port and win big!

In lieu of our usual fundraising events, we bring you the opportunity to both support Port Cares AND potentially win big! We look forward to your support!

Learn More

Our next online 50/50 draw launches on May 1, 2021!

50/50 starting July 1st 2024!

Thank You to our program funders and supporters